
NEW alternative setup with Vagrant

Just clone the repository and start the virtual machine with the help of Vagrant:

$ vagrant up

When it’s finished you may enter the machine and the Python environment with the following commands:

$ vagrant ssh

$ workon luftverschmutzung_sachsen

$ cd /vagrant

All the upstream code is persistenly mounted to /vagrant.

To start the Django http server, just run:

$ make runserver HOST=

Manual way

It’s recommend to install virtualenv , it helps to separate the build artefacts from the rest of your system. On Debian based Linux distributions, it may look like this:

$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Create the the virtualenv and enter it:

$ mkvirtualenv luftverschmutzung_sachsen

To exit the environment you enter deactivate and to re-enter it workon luftverschmutzung_sachsen.

Install the packages for development:

$ make install-dev

There might be a stumbling block regarding the auth configuration in PostgreSQL. In my experiments with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS I found out the “peers” setting to be default for local access of “all users”, except this doesn’t work with this Django App. You need a user/pass auth regime aka md5 .

An example configuration in /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf might be:

local   all             all                                     md5

Then create the new PostgreSQL user and database, depends heavily on your PostgreSQL installation!

$ (sudo -u postgres) make create-db

Now create the database tables:

$ make migrate

And start the development webserver:

$ make runserver

To see the other targets available in the Makefile simply run:

$ make